We work with you to shorten the distance between idea and doors open.
Embark provides free guidance to people who want to start new schools to serve Mississippi students. From ideation and early planning to start-up and scaling what works, the journey to opening a new school is full of obstacles that can result in losing momentum. Here’s how we help you overcome these obstacles:

We find prospective school founders and have early stage conversations to help them develop their ideas and understand the road ahead.
We guide school founders by offering informational resources and events and connecting them to mentorship, networking, and partnership opportunities.Â
We invest in promising new school efforts during planning and development.
Planning New Schools
We walk alongside you in the early stage of school development.
School founders need a thought partner in the early planning stage to help them consider the challenges they may face and the questions that may arise. Through conversations that range from the practical to the philosophical, we focus on helping school founders move from interest in opening a school to tangible goals informed by expertise and analysis.
Whether you have a fully developed idea or more questions than answers, we can help ensure your success. Here are a few of the areas where we can help:
Choosing a school type and model
Navigating state laws and requirements
Establishing a timeline for planning and launch
Understanding opportunities and challenges

Starting New Schools
We give you the foundation you need for a successful launch.
School founders face many obstacles before opening their school doors. Embark helps founders maintain momentum by providing general guidance to all and offering customized training and support opportunities to promising founders in the following areas and more:
School design
Leader training and support
Community engagement
Talent and facilities
Submitting a charter application